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Premier Commercial Destination and its NOT on Earth


it’s happening. It’s finally happening. The world’s first commercial property in space is coming. It will soon be possible to have a business address in Low-Earth-Orbit. Sierra Space, a subsidiary of Sierra Nevada Corp. (SNC), and Blue Origin have disclosed that they are officially partnering up in order to create a privately owned and operated orbital space station. The design combines the LIFE (Large Integrated Flexible Environment) with the DreamChaser spaceplane.


The Commercial World Is Leaving The Earth

The project is called “Orbital Reef”, and it is the central feature in Sierra Space’s designs to provide what Forbes called “end-to-end space services for diverse users that the partners intend to make the “premier commercial destination” in low orbit.” At last we’ve come to the first step in the true commercialization of space. Commercial spacecraft traveling to and fro are one thing, but until you’ve successfully cultivated you haven’t colonized and until you’ve successfully conducted commerce you haven’t commercialized.

According to Sierra Space,

“Orbital Reef is envisioned as a “mixed use business park” in space. This unique destination will offer research, industrial, international, and commercial customers the cost competitive end-to-end services they need including space transportation and logistics, space habitation, equipment accommodation, and operations including onboard crew. The station will start operating in the second half of this decade.

The Orbital Reef business model makes it easy for customers and is strategically designed to support a diverse portfolio of uses.

Sierra Space products on the Orbital Reef station include:  Large Integrated Flexible Environment (LIFE) habitat, small-diameter node modules, and runway-landing Dream Chaser spaceplane for crew and cargo transportation.”

Sierra Space, working with Boeing, Redwire Space, Genesis Engineering Solutions, and Arizona State University claims that the orbital station will be deliverable within the decade.

Sierra Space Tweeted,

“Ditch the home address & head to space! Our new space station, #OrbitalReef, will provide anyone the opportunity to establish their own address on-orbit. Instead of a moving van, the #DreamChaser spaceplane will take customers to & from to their new home away from home!”

What do you think?

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