Mix text with images and embeds
MP3 or SoundCloud embed, MixCloud, etc.
MP4 or YouTube embed, Vimeo, Dailymotion, etc.
A collection of images
Open list
Everyone can submit new list items and vote up for the best submission
Ranked list
Everyone can vote up for the best list item
Classic list
A list-based article
Create a funny pic
Trivia quiz
What do you know about ...?
Personality quiz
What type of person are you?
One or multiple questions about a subject or person
A poll where each question has two competing answers
Hot or Not
A poll where each question has two opposite answers
It seems the writers and editors of your site think most men like women with huge breasts. Unfortunately, your editors are so very wrong. In my experience of more than 70 years on earth, I am convinced, without any doubt, men dislike with enormous breasts and , for that matter, they find big butts repulsive. A large majority of us love supple, medium size breasts with an upward turn. We enjoy puffy or pointy nipples that are not excessively large or microscopic. Also, We don’t even like large areola. Massive size breasts lie flat, like pancakes and normally, when women are sexually excited
My personal gripe is so many really pretty girls RUIN their bodies with ink !
It is NOT attractive to be done up like a tattooed lady from a carnival freak show.