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Elizabeth Hurley Shows Off Flawless Abs at 56yrs Old

One of Hollywood’s most gorgeous leading ladies in decades, Elizabeth Hurley practically lives in her swimsuits and finds herself most at home on the shore as her Instagram shows clearly. What the starlet’s social media accounts also show is that at a jaw-dropping 56 years old, she is still giving women half her age cause for jealousy and putting men of all age groups on breathing support. As she crosses into her late fifties and shows zero sign of slowing down her flawless and often glistening abs illustrate the commitment she has to keeping herself looking her finest. That being said: it’s only right that we take a few moments to admire her… accomplishments.

In her most recent Instagram bikini shot, (the first in our gallery) she posted on Jan. 7th,

“Got this shot whilst on location filming Christmas in the Caribbean – just before I sprained my silly ankle. Now, still on crutches and lying on the sofa, eating chocolates and feeling sorry for myself”

Many of her Instagram commenters expressed their hopes for a speedy recovery and wished the legendary daughter of Basingstoke, England a Happy New Year.

Most known for her big break in a supporting role with1997s Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery she demonstrated her comic and acting chops keeping pace with the boundlessly energetic Mike Myers.

She cemented her legacy as a starring actress and enduring sex symbol opposite Brendon Fraiser in the 2000 Harold Ramis film Bedazzled as the tempting Faustian devil who burned up the screen.

How Does Hurley Do It?

Women’s Health Magazine asked the question, “how does she mange to look so fit despite everything <gestures broadly> she’s got going on?”

The answer might surprise you a bit, they explain,

“Liz basically invented found fitness, and regularly spends her days doing all kinds of cool moves to work her muscles.

All that said, Liz told Women’s Healththat the gym isn’t really her thing. “I don’t really do any set exercise, per se, because I prefer to get my exercise from doing something than being in the gym,” she said.

Her answers honestly left us asking… so where are the logging pics? Because it would be kind of awesome to watch Hurley wielding an axe and a chainsaw… #justsaying



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