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Respectfully: Thin Blue Line Hotties

Respectfully: Thin Blue Line Hotties

Women love a man in uniform, but does it work the other way around? These hotties will have you putting a thin blue line flag on your front lawn faster than you can say “hot damn!”

Female cops are often a sight to behold. There’s just something sexy about a woman who owns a pair of handcuffs and knows how to handle a gun.

So, we gathered up a few pics of the many lady cops of Instagram, making sure to include snaps both in their uniform and on their very rare days off.

These badass ladies will definitely have you saying “back the blue!”

Rachel Lily Spiker

Respectfully: Thin Blue Line Hotties

Vanessa Illingworth

Respectfully: Thin Blue Line Hotties

Haley Drew

Respectfully: Thin Blue Line Hotties

Cece Leigh

Respectfully: Thin Blue Line Hotties

Respectfully: Thin Blue Line Hotties

Heather Marie

Respectfully: Thin Blue Line Hotties

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