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Swedish Model Anna Nystrom Stops Traffic in These Leather Pants… AMAZING

Anna Cover
Photo via Anny Nystrom Instagram Screenshots

Kim Kardashian may get all the press, but Anna Nystrom will give her a run for her money on Instagram posts that have blown up.

Nystrom is a native of Sweden and a major fitness influencer on social media.

Anna Booty

Boasting more than 8.4 million followers, you have more than likely seen her pictures and do not even realize you know who she is.

Swedish Bombshell

Nystrom had originally wanted to be an actress, but then along came social media and her passion for exercise.

Her younger years were not spent working out, but instead sitting in front of a TV.

She went from high school to the working world, but a bell went off in 2013.

Anna started to exercise and loved the improvements she started seeing in her body.

Anna Bedroom

From there, it more or less became an obsession that she has since accumulated a nice fortune for showing on social media.

Now, do not get me wrong, her fitness shots are amazing…

Anna Jumper

And I think even Kim K. would be challenged to match this shot…

Anna Kim K

But the picture that really got people’s attention was this one, and you can see why…

Anna Leather Pants

I would hate to see the traffic accident report the day she was walking down the street in that outfit!

Anna may not be the number one ranked fitness model, yet, but it surely will not be long if she keeps these numbers up.

All photos via Anna Nystrom’s Instagram Screenshots.

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Written by J Conway

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