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What Not To Do: Rebel Without A Clue

Holy Shit he's gonna blow my head off!

What do you do when you are pinned down from enemy fire on the side of the road in your countries civil war?  I bet your answer isn’t to run out in the middle of the street shoulder firing an MG3 like a moronic rebel.  But maybe if you are hip deep in the shit of the Yemeni Civil War you would.  It gets pretty damn hot over there.  

Untrained Rebels

As the video starts, no issues, for about 2 seconds…

Funker 530 delivers this gem of a “training moment” to us today.   But this time, with no death or injury, just hilarity.  After the video, the host breaks down the Yemeni conflict and some key battles.  But I want to focus on the “training moment.”  There are several here but I’ll keep this one simple.  Friendly Fire.  He was inches away from blasting his homie in the back of the head.  And home boy knew it too.  

So as this video begins, we see the idiot in question having difficulty loading and chambering the first round on a belt of ammunition for his MG3.  His 2 buddies are hunkered down from incoming fire as the 3 of these Yemeni rebels are engaging an unseen adversary, off-camera.  

Suns Out Guns Out!

That’s not an RPG numb nuts!

Once he gets the round chambered, he hoists the gun up on top of his shoulder, sort of.  The weight is substantial when fully loaded sure.  But why the hell did he try to hold it like an RPG?  He just started blasting in fully automatic bursts of rifle caliber fire, regardless.  Each single round is deadly, and our clueless rebel doesn’t seem to care.  He is breaking very important rules about formation engagements and even CQB rules of engagement here.  This lack of training will get his squamates killed eventually.  Even trained soldiers have problems with accidental friendly fire.

The CQB Angle

That blast is directly above his homies head. Get down homie!

My forte is CQB, so I will focus on this element here.  First off, in CQB you to keep a 2 meter distance, or 6 feet from each other person minimum, environment permitting.  These guys are outside, environment permits.  He breaks this rule with the dude jacking with his gear next to our dipshit rebel.  Gear jacking guy never even looks up when all of this is going on.  But the other guy sure as hell does.

Rebellious To A Fault

Whoops, Sorry guys.  I’ll walk into the middle of the street instead.

Secondly, You are meant to never be directly behind anyone, with your weapon at a high ready pointing at them.  It happens on occasion, but you are never to fire when directly behind a squad mate with gun oriented at them, duh.  But Rebel Dipshit Deluxe jumps up with his massive weapon, holding it in the the most retarded way I have ever seen.  No one does that for any reason, ever.   He then begins to hose down whatever the hell is in front and thankfully slightly above him.  Because if it was a target at eye level, home boy “other guy” would be painted on the street in front of him with a burst from that weapon at point blank range.  

Not High Hopes Here

When you’re all out of ammo never walk towards the enemy after firing dozens of rounds at them.

Douche Nozzle Rebel Machine Gunner then maybe realizes this, so then he runs out in the street blasting away.  He dumps well over 50 rounds in just a few seconds.  And then the grace of God is shown as he runs out of ammo, protecting the lives of his squamates.  And also miraculously he doesn’t get cut in half by enemy fire while walking in the street like he’s getting the mail from the mail box.  He never should have broke cover.  Never should have run out in the street, and he never should mill around in a kill zone unless he wants to die.  From the way this guy fights, the enemy and/or his own squamates would have killed him.  Assuredly.

What do you think?

Written by admin

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