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The New F-15EX Fires Its First Missile


The F-15 Eagle is the symbol of American Air Power.  Initially entering service in 1976, this Air Superiority Fighter was built to counter Russian threats of the day.  And now it is knee deep in the middle of upgrading to its latest model, the F-15EX.  This version will be a complete overhaul of the previous systems of the latest E and J models fielded by the U.S. and Japan.  

Testing, testing…

Rear seat view of a high bank turn. Down is to your right and up is to your left.

And recently, the F-15EX recently passed a major milestone in it’s development.  It fired its first live fire missile shot. This occurred on 25 January 2022 in the Gulf of Mexico test range near Tyndall Air Force Base in Florida.  The experimental fighter was piloted by test pilots Major Benjamin Naumann and Major Mark Smith.  The weapon deployed was an AIM-120D missile fired at a BQM-167 target drone.  

Combat Archer

Loaded for bear because he likes to party.

This test was a common evaluation of aircraft and crew called “Combat Archer.”  Combat Archer is a series of tests and standards that are needed to be met to qualify a crew and aircraft for deployment of live fire missiles in combat scenarios.  Another one of the rigorous processes we subject our pilots and aircraft to insuring operational ability on command.  Tests and evals of this nature is what makes American Military might the best on the planet.

The Drill

Solid tracking, mission success!

In this test, the 2 Majors needed to see if the EX model of F-15 could locate the target drone, track it, lock it, then fire upon it.  However, this test did not require the destruction of the drone.  Once the crew was able to accomplish the before mentioned tasks, they launched the Aerial Intercept Missile (AIM) 120D at the target.  Next, solid data was acquired that the missile was on target and flying to the drone.  Then, the commander of the test cut the flight of the missile short, not allowing for a destruction of the drone.

The Method

Hypersonic Missiles on an F-15E. This Combat Archer testing was Classified Top Secret.

This is all part of the baby steps process the Air Force takes when evaluating the capabilities of new craft and ordinance.  By not allowing for a weapons destruction of target, you force the technicians to review all of the data and not get stuck on the end result of “target destroyed.”  Then, they can determine if the optimal conditions where achieved and the best pre and post fire procedures where followed.  

Marksmanship is Marksmanship

F-15E cockpit.

Additionally, we use a similar philosophy in firearms training.  The actions the student performs up too, and including, the shot are more important than if they hit the target.  To expand, this is because if appropriate pre and post engagement actions are performed, they have the highest probability of hitting the target.  You don’t want to let bad habits get engrained when a student thinks they are doing well, just because they hit the target.  This same philosophy applies when firing super sonic missiles at high altitude or a 9mm pistol at 21 feet.  

Popping the Missile Cherry

Missiles away!

Major Naumann’s first live fire missile shot was this test.  Combat Archer is designed to be the test bed for the first shots of pilots.  Now the aircraft, and Maj. Naumann, has verified it’s ability to engage a target at range with an AIM-120D.  After this, it will be on to more complex missile shots.  Actual destruction of targets, evading targets, multiple targets, and varying ordinances are on the docket for this aircraft and crew in the near future.  

Great Success!

Promo Pic of The F-15EX.

Finally, at the end of the day it was mission success for the 2 Majors and their experimental F-15EX.  However, this airframe has many more milestones to achieve before it is finally fielded to our flight wings and subsequently deployed into relevant theaters of engagement.  One thing is for sure, when the U.S. Air Force puts a new weapon through its paces, it is obsessively meticulous. Thus, giving us operational ability unmatched the world over.

What do you think?

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